Have you ever thought if there are myriad studios and firms in the world, how would your firm stand out? Are your architectural projects enough or can just your personality do the job? Well, this might be one of the contributors, but today communication serves as a game-changer for your studio. Taking this aspect to a new realm is Ar Himani Ahuja- an architectural communications expert, and the Founder of OneDigital, bridging the gap between structures and communications with the audience. Ahuja, with her experience and expertise, has helped brands carve a niche in the industry, ensuring their work reaches a global audience. This Women’s Day, let us step into the world of communications with Ar. Himani Ahuja and explore how you can lend a voice to your brand.
Architecture has always been about storytelling, as each space is designed to speak of its purpose and inspiration. However, without effective communication, even the most captivating structure can go unnoticed. Here’s where architectural communications make its presence and aids in talking about you and your project’s story. The niche of communications can be categorised into Branding, PR and Social media where the power of the digital realm can enhance this element. Renowned architectural firms in today’s time and age have been synonymous with innovation due to their designs and their strategic communications.
“Good architecture speaks for itself, but great architecture needs a voice. That’s where PR and communication within the digital sphere steps in to document, critique, and inspire”,
– says Himani.
The key essence of communication is to introduce the brand story first. A powerful technique that blends data and emotion to craft a narrative in the form of documentation, that connects consumers with a brand and strengthens customer recall resonates- is authentic and consistent storytelling. Creating a sense of community that is consistent with the brand’s values and objectives of the company defines the essence of the brand. Architecture and design firms can stay up-to-date and relevant by consistently interacting, observing, and narrating the right stories, publishing them digitally and through media houses to the target audience.
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Further, the realm of digital media elevates the voice of the firm. “Buildings tell stories, but it takes a village (in this case your agency) to make them heard”, asserts Himani. An online presence led by the right leader and management is the most influential factor in shaping public perception. Websites, blogs, branding and digital portfolios serve as the first point of contact for clients and collaborators.
“At One Digital we believe that through well curated digital content, pitching to the right target audience, architectural firms can showcase their expertise and engage better. This also builds credibility and positions a brand as a thought leader in the industry”,
– says Himani.
Social media platforms and publications also multiply the essence of communication. Platforms like Instagram, LinkedIn, Youtube and Pinterest allow firms to present their work dynamically and shape industry conversations. Participating in social exhibits and panels, voicing your perspective on design, and advocating for change helps reach a wider audience and drive meaningful impact.
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Minute details like social media strategies with effective posting timelines, relevant content, and project and cultural posts help create an engaging profile. From discussions on LinkedIn to immersive project showcases on Instagram, social media has enabled firms to connect with their audience like never before.
Today, where communication is the key, Himani extends it to the design industry! Her longing expertise ensures that architecture is not just confined to blueprints but is translated into a compelling brand identity. Now the question remains- how will your brand tell a story?

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