Two new Labour Hostels proposed in Shimla

Aastha Shah Oct 07, 2020 0

The Shimla Municipal Corporation (MC) has decided to build two labour hostels in Dhalli and Boileauganj localities to provide accommodation to migrant labourers at reasonable rates.

The MC took the decision on the recommendation of its social justice committee. Deputy mayor Shailendra Chauhan said that these labour hostels will help in developing Shimla as a smart city.

He said, “A large number of labourers work in Dhalli as there is a fruit market there. We have decided to build a labour hostel there as the area has no proper accommodation facilities. The construction work will start soon.”

“The migrant workers will be provided accommodation at these hostels at minimum rent,” he added. At present, there are as many as six labour hostels in the town and around 400 labourers are staying there.

Last year, the MC had hiked the rent of labour hostels to Rs 7,080 per annum that had enraged the workers. However, officials had claimed that the rent had not been hiked since 1986 and that the new rent was reasonable.


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