Chikballapur Medical College to be built in two years

Aastha Shah Sep 26, 2020 0

The construction of the Chikballapur Government Medical College will be completed in two years and it will have all modern technologies, said Chikballapur Deputy Commissioner R Latha.

Speaking to the Deputy Commissioner R Latha said construction work for the government medical college in Aruru village of Chikballapur is in full swing.

Giving details of the land, the deputy commissioner said 59 acres and 29 guntas have been allotted for the medical college at an estimated cost of Rs 610 crores. Latha said admissions are proposed to be taken up in the next academic year and classes will commence in the existing VTU Centre.

Later, classes will be shifted to the new block and the final call in this regard will be taken after a meeting with the Medical Education and district in-charge Minister K Sudhakar.

According to sources, the land value in the surrounding Aruru village has hit the roof.

None of the farmers are interested in selling their land following the decision to set up a medical college in the area.

Some farmers who have land on the main road plan to construct accommodation with all facilities for students.

Meanwhile, several businessmen have approached owners to allot them land on a lease basis to build hotels and PG centers for the students.


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