The Karnataka Cabinet, on Thursday, January 30, approved a massive 12,150 INR-Crore project for the Greater Bengaluru Integrated Township. This ambitious project aims to develop a satellite town to ease congestion in Bengaluru. The proposed project will encompass an anticipated 8,032 Acres across 10 villages in Ramanagara district.
The Greater Bengaluru Development Authority (GBDA) will oversee land acquisition and township development. The Bengaluru Integrated township will feature a mix of logistic parks, commercial establishments, and residential spaces. Moreover, the residential sector will be developed first, with landowners compensated through plots. The overall project has an estimated completion timeline of five years.
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The Greater Bengaluru Integrated Township is designed to significantly reduce congestion in Bengaluru by providing the necessary infrastructure in towns closer to the city. Furthermore, it will be developed based on the work-live-play concept, following international standards. This initiative will create employment opportunities and further promote sustainable development through solar energy.
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