Maharashtra Chief Minister Eknath Shinde, on Sunday, March 3, laid the foundation stone for Metro Line-12 connecting Kalyan with Taloja in Navi Mumbai. The project falls under the extension of Metro line-5 linking Thane-Bhiwandi-Kalyan and is poised to improve connectivity in the Mumbai Metropolitan Region (MMR).
The scope of work involves the construction of a completely elevated 22.173 Km stretch with 19 stations. The project will see an estimated investment of INR 5,865 Crore and is expected to be completed by the end of 2027.
Also Read: Maharashtra Budget 2024-25: Key Highlights & Major Infra Projects
The extension of Metro line-12 will bring a new wave of development in the MMR, said CM Eknath Shinde. It is anticipated to reduce travel time between Kalyan and Navi Mumbai by 45 minutes and reduce road traffic in the area.
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