The Gautam Budh Nagar Film City is likely to see its first film shooting by early 2021, officials said. The proposed land for the project in Greater Noida was inspected by ACS Home Awanish Awasthi and senior officials of the Yamuna Expressway Industrial Development Authority (YEIDA) Sunday.
Earlier this month, the state government announced that the “biggest” film city will come up in the district. Thousand acres of land at Sector 21 at the Yamuna Expressway has been identified for the purpose. Officials said the industrial area (studios, sets, etc) will be spread over 780 acres while 220 acres will be used for commercial purposes. YEIDA officials inspected the land upon which the physical infrastructure will be built, including examining the extent of land and the roads leading to the region.
The Authority will be fast-tracking the process of preparing a Detailed Project Report (DPR) of the Film City. Once the report is ratified by the government, tenders will be allocated.
“We have been asked to submit the DPR as soon as possible. It is likely to be ready in two weeks. It is a great investment and we are looking to make it functional at the earliest. We will study several numerical factors involved in calculating the feasibility of the project,” said Shailendra Bhatia, OSD, YEIDA.
Jewar MLA Dhirendra Singh said: “There is a lot of excitement with regard to the Film City. Officials said they want it to begin in the next three-four months and all possible efforts will be made to ensure that. Already some directors have expressed interest in making a movie in the region.”
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