Advances in Building Materials: Sustainability and Innovation

Biltrax Media Oct 03, 2023 0

Rohit Bhoite is a visionary interior designer who’s redefining how spaces are designed. Hailing from Mumbai, he draws inspiration from his family’s rich architectural heritage, and his journey took him to Milan, Italy, where he refined his craft. Back in Mumbai, he founded ‘RB House of Design’ and has since created a stunning portfolio that showcases his creativity and cultural flair. With projects featured in top design publications, Rohit Bhoite is a true pioneer of aesthetic excellence. In this interview, we dive into his innovative design philosophy and extraordinary journey.

1. Rohit, your journey in the world of design is truly inspiring. Can you share the pivotal moments or experiences that led you to become the remarkable designer you are today?

My professional trajectory in the field of design has been profoundly inspiring, shaped by pivotal junctures and transformative encounters that have contributed to my current status as a designer. Hailing from Mumbai, my environment was permeated by a familial heritage of designers. My father, a distinguished architect celebrated for his temple designs in India, kindled within me an intense ardor for design. Following the successful completion of my interior design diploma at Rachna Sansad, Mumbai in 2009, my aspirations expanded to pursuing a Master’s degree in Interior and Living Design at the esteemed Domus Academy in Milan, Italy. Immersed in the refined ethos of Milanese design, I assimilated the intricate nuances of design and polished my proficiencies, while defining my sense and style of aesthetical language along the way.

2. Your portfolio showcases an array of projects that reflect your innate ability to transform spaces. Can you recount a specific project where your choice of building materials played a pivotal role in elevating the design to new heights?

Indeed, I have been engaged in an array of residential endeavors encompassing diverse design paradigms. Among these, a particular undertaking that captured my fascination was the Art Nouveau project, set in the up-scale locality – Bandra. The main idea of this project revolved around evoking a moody, art studio-inspired ambiance within this Mumbai home. In terms of color palette, the prominence was attributed to the black hue, complemented harmoniously by earthy tones. Walls were meticulously rendered with stucco, juxtaposed against a black slate flooring that was impeccably polished to attain a resplendent gloss. The ceiling was deliberately left exposed, and artificial illumination was deftly provided through track-lighting systems. Furthermore, the incorporation of green subway tiles and distinctive flooring elements in the couple’s bathroom imparted an idiosyncratic character to the space. On the whole, this project was indeed a pleasure to work on.

3. Building materials often become signatures of a designer’s work. Is there a particular material you find yourself gravitating towards, and what about it resonates deeply with your design ethos?

In my design approach, I consistently gravitate towards Italian marble as a defining element. Its timeless beauty, unique veining, and historical significance align seamlessly with my ethos of crafting individualistic spaces that meld aesthetics with functionality. Much like artisans meticulously shaping raw marble, I aspire to create living art forms within spaces. Italian marble’s incorporation not only bestows a sense of enduring elegance but also fosters a link to design heritage, forging a connection between human creativity and the natural world. Thus, Italian marble transcends its role as a mere building material, evolving into a conduit that harmonizes history, craftsmanship, and emotional resonance within my designs.

4. Collaboration with suppliers and contractors is essential for design execution. How do you effectively communicate your material preferences to ensure your design vision is meticulously brought to life?

Collaboration with suppliers and contractors stands as a cornerstone of a successful design execution. To ensure the meticulous realization of a design vision, effective communication of material preferences is paramount. We establish an environment of open and transparent communication by sharing intricate material specifications, visual references, and comprehensive mood boards. This method allows for the cultivation of a mutual comprehension regarding the intended aesthetics, quality benchmarks, and overarching objectives of the project. Regular meetings and site visits further facilitate the alignment of expectations, enabling constructive feedback and addressing any potential challenges in real time. By nurturing a collaborative environment built on clear communication, we strive to ensure that the design concept seamlessly transforms into a tangible, finely executed reality.

5. Innovation in building materials is a rapidly evolving field. Are there any emerging materials or technologies that have caught your attention recently? How do you see these influencing the future of design?

The dynamic domain of building materials is swiftly advancing through innovative technologies, with sustainable and smart materials capturing one’s attention. These materials, encompassing self-healing concrete, photovoltaic glass, and biodegradable options, hold immense potential to reshape design’s future. Their ecological focus aligns with sustainability trends, enabling environmentally conscious creations that boast reduced carbon footprints. Moreover, the integration of smart technologies within these materials enhances functionality and user experiences, paving the way for interactive and responsive architectural elements. These emerging materials not only challenge aesthetic norms but also inspire novel design concepts, potentially revolutionizing the architectural landscape by fostering an imaginative, sustainable, and technologically infused approach.

6. Large-scale projects often require meticulous planning. How do you streamline material procurement and coordination to ensure a seamless execution process, even across expansive sites?

Skillful management of intricate large-scale projects demands meticulous planning, a facet navigated through adept material procurement and coordination. To ensure smooth execution across extensive sites, a methodical approach is commonly adopted. Commencing with a comprehensive assessment of material prerequisites, categorization, and alignment with project timelines follow suit. Close collaboration with reputable suppliers establishes transparent communication channels, ensuring timely deliveries and strict adherence to quality benchmarks. Uninterrupted workflow hinges on regular meetings and site visits, crucial for real-time issue resolution and progress tracking. Furthermore, dedicated oversight by a project manager or team handles material logistics, managing inventory levels and effectively tackling supply chain challenges as they emerge.

7. Sustainability is at the forefront of design conversations. How do you ensure that your material choices for large-scale projects are not only visually striking but also aligned with sustainable practices?

Engaging with building material manufacturers at the right stage of a project offers numerous benefits. Early collaboration enables us to access manufacturers’ expertise and explore innovative design possibilities. Manufacturers can provide technical guidance, ensuring seamless integration of materials and avoiding conflicts during construction. Also, we can optimize budgets and enhance project efficiency by understanding material costs and availability. Moreover, early engagement with manufacturers facilitates the exploration of sustainable solutions, contributing to environmentally friendly design practices. Overall, this collaborative approach significantly influences the design process and final outcomes, leading to successful and innovative architectural projects. 

8. Emerging designers often seek mentors. Can you share a significant piece of advice you received that played a pivotal role in shaping your design journey?

Certainly, I vividly recall a pivotal piece of advice I received during my formative years as an emerging designer, which profoundly influenced my design journey. The very idea that while technical skills are undeniably essential, the true hallmark of exceptional design lies in an empathetic understanding of the space was imparted by my mentor. This guidance underscored the significance of delving beyond aesthetics, focusing on comprehending the unique needs, emotions, and aspirations of the people who would inhabit the spaces I create. Alterations in my perspective not only elevated the impact of the designs but also instilled in me a deep sense of purpose – the realization that design is a tool to enhance lives and foster connections. This advice has remained a constant compass, guiding me to infuse every project with sympathy and meaning, ultimately shaping my approach to design into one that is not only visually captivating but profoundly human-centered.

Rohit Bhoite

RB House of Design

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