Behind the Design: Decoding Dopamine Decor

Unnati More Mar 07, 2024 0

The Works Interiors (TWI) is an award-winning design studio offering architectural and interior design experiences, ranging from bespoke furniture units to spatial execution. Established by Raj and Devika Khosla in 1998 in Delhi-NCR, TWI specializes in providing end-to-end design solutions. With a firm belief in the power of good design to make a positive difference in people’s lives, TWI has created people-centric spaces in over 500 projects across India. At the forefront of contemporary design, TWI highlights the captivating world of Dopamine Decor, a vibrant trend aimed at stimulating the senses and fostering positive emotions within interior spaces.

In this exclusive interview with Biltrax Media, Devika Khosla, Creative Director at TWI, shares valuable insights into the intricacies of Dopamine Decor and its influence on modern design trends. Delve into how TWI’s innovative approach to design transcends conventional boundaries, shaping immersive and uplifting environments that resonate with clients and communities alike.

Can you provide a brief overview of ‘Dopamine Decor’ and its influence on contemporary design trends?

‘Dopamine Decor’ is a design trend characterized by bold and vibrant elements that aim to stimulate the senses and evoke positive emotions. It draws inspiration from the concept of dopamine, a neurotransmitter associated with pleasure and reward. The goal is to uplift and energize individuals within the environment, promoting a sense of joy and well-being. The trend is known for its emphasis on creating visually stimulating and mood-boosting interiors. It uses bright colors, fun patterns, and tactile materials to stimulate your senses and trigger positive emotions. This trend reflects the modern focus on well-being in interior design.

Could you share insights into your method of developing mood boards for such interior projects, and in what ways do they influence the final result?

Dopamine Decor relies on personally curated mood boards to articulate its vibrant aesthetic, skillfully blending images, materials, and colors to capture the envisioned style. These boards serve as a visual roadmap, facilitating seamless collaboration with both our team and clients, and ensuring continuous refinement of the design until unanimous satisfaction is achieved.

Artwork is highlighted as a key element in the said design style. Could you share insights into how you curate or select artwork that complements and enhances the overall design concept?

Art is a key element in Dopamine Decor, creating a lively center of attention in the space. We choose art that matches the colors and style, adding character to the room. Working with local artists or customizing our own pieces makes the art more special and connected to the design vision.

Ensuring a cohesive design flow across different rooms is essential. How do you maintain a consistent design language while adapting this style to spaces with distinct purposes within a home?

Establishing a harmonious design flow across diverse spaces begins by anchoring each room with a shared theme, such as coordinating colors or patterns. Adapting Dopamine Decor to suit the unique functions of each space ensures a seamless blend while maintaining consistent stylistic elements.

Sustainability is emphasised in your trends, with the use of recycled and vintage pieces. Can you share specific strategies your firm employs to incorporate sustainability into these design projects?

Sustainability is at the core of our design ethos. Our commitment is evident in the use of plantation timber for all furniture, finished with low VOC coating. Employing high-quality materials not only reduces the carbon footprint of our products and designs but also ensures longevity, aligning with ethical design values and imparting a unique character to each project.

How do you involve clients in this trending decor design process? Can you provide an example where client collaboration played a significant role in shaping the final aesthetic of a project?

Client collaboration is paramount; we closely engage with them to understand their tastes and needs. In the Valley of Dreams project, a holiday home in Kasauli, ‘Dopamine Decor’ takes center stage, weaving vibrant colors, playful patterns, and comfortable furnishings to create an atmosphere of relaxation and joy tailored to our client’s preferences.

Every design trend comes with challenges. Can you share specific challenges your team faced during the execution of projects of this nature, and how did you overcome them? 

Navigating the delicate equilibrium between style and functionality while accommodating diverse client preferences presented challenges. Effective communication with clients becomes the key to resolving issues and forging agreements that not only uphold the essence of Dopamine Decor but also meet practical requirements, ensuring a harmonious blend of aesthetics and usability.

As design trends evolve, where do you see this particular design style heading in the future? Are there any emerging trends or variations within this style that you find particularly intriguing?

Dopamine Decor remains dynamic, evolving in response to personal and experiential design demands, incorporating technology and novel materials into its trend repertoire. The style continues to progress, exploring innovative ways to captivate the senses while consistently prioritizing the fundamental goal of promoting well-being through design.

The Works Interiors (TWI)


Contact:  +91 98102 60901

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