823 INR-Crore multi-modal facility at Broadway bus stand gets govt nod

Riya Fernandes Sep 02, 2024 0

Chennai: The state government granted revised administrative approval for a new multi-modal facility at the Broadway bus stand. Estimated to cost 822.7 INR-Crore, the project will include the Kuralagam buildings.

The multi-modal facility will have 10 floors—two basements, two levels for buses, and six floors for commercial use. It will feature e-vehicle charging stations and integrate with Chennai Metro Rail. Additionally, a skyway will connect the multi-modal facility to Chennai Fort railway station, offering all essential amenities.

Also Read: India’s first Multi Modal Transportation Hub in Surat, Gujarat

Moreover, this expansive multi-modal facility will accommodate around 1,100 buses and will offer smooth access to both metro and suburban railway stations. Chennai Metro Asset Management Limited, a special purpose vehicle (SPV) will develop this project. Furthermore, the entity will handle the project’s execution, asset management, and continuous operation and maintenance, ensuring its seamless functioning.

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